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Good Vibrations - My Life As A Beach Boy - Mike Love SIGNED
Good Vibrations - My Life As A Beach Boy - Mike Love SIGNED
Behind the Magus -John Fowles SIGNED
Behind the Magus -John Fowles SIGNED
The White Queen - Philippa Gregory SIGNED
The White Queen - Philippa Gregory SIGNED
The Silence in the Garden - William Trevor SIGNED
The Silence in the Garden - William Trevor SIGNED
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Sharpe's Fury - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Fury - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Tiger - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Tiger - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Prey - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Prey - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Trafalgar - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Sharpe's Trafalgar - Bernard Cornwell SIGNED
Rather Be the Devil - Ian Rankin
Rather Be the Devil - Ian Rankin
Even Dogs in the Wild - Ian Rankin
Even Dogs in the Wild - Ian Rankin
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami SIGNED
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami SIGNED
The Poems of the John Keats - John Keats
The Poems of the John Keats - John Keats
The Patriot's Progress - Henry Williamson SIGNED
The Patriot's Progress - Henry Williamson SIGNED
Thy Servant a Dog - Rudyard Kipling
Thy Servant a Dog - Rudyard Kipling
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald, Bill Amberg
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald, Bill Amberg
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh, Bill Amberg
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh, Bill Amberg
Masks of Time - Edmund Blunden (Signed)
Masks of Time - Edmund Blunden (Signed)
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald, Bill Amberg
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald, Bill Amberg
Cakes and Ales - Somerset Maughen
Cakes and Ales - Somerset Maughen
To Henry Woodward - Sacheverell Sitwell SIGNED
To Henry Woodward - Sacheverell Sitwell SIGNED
Humdrum - Harold Acton
Humdrum - Harold Acton
Lady Chatterley's Lover - D H Lawrence SIGNED
Lady Chatterley's Lover - D H Lawrence SIGNED
Masques of Satan - Oliver Reggie
Masques of Satan - Oliver Reggie
Conference with the Dead - Terry Lamsley
Conference with the Dead - Terry Lamsley
Under the Crust Supernatural Tales of Buxton - Terry Lamsley
Under the Crust Supernatural Tales of Buxton - Terry Lamsley
Lost Places - Simon Kurt Unsworth
Lost Places - Simon Kurt Unsworth
A Natural Body and a Spirtual Body - J S Leatherbarrow
A Natural Body and a Spirtual Body - J S Leatherbarrow
The Undying Monster - Jessie Douglas Kerruish
The Undying Monster - Jessie Douglas Kerruish
The Paris Monetary Conference of 1881 and Bi-Metallism . The Historical, Economic, Technical and Moral Aspects of a Double Standard Considered. - Louis A Garnett SIGNED
The Paris Monetary Conference of 1881 and Bi-Metallism . The Historical, Economic, Technical and Moral Aspects of a Double Standard Considered. - Louis A Garnett SIGNED
1 - 30 of 99 items